I live in a style void.

case in point. This weekend I went to an event with Tim Gunn. A woman asked him how she could tell people to dress better. My answer? Dont wear hot pink velour sweatpants to an even with Tim Gunn. And dont try to dress them up with a blouse and heels. (edited to add: she actually used the phrase “slobification of America.” People sitting around her were snickering while she was going off on her little rant.)

case two: I am currently blogging from jury duty. The jury assembly room is a sea of ripped jeans, hoodies, and boxy tees. Have some respect for the court people!

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3 Comments on “I live in a style void.”

  1. Kelly Says:

    Wow. I think the only thing I would appreciate about jury duty would be the opportunity to dress up a little bit more than normal.

    And I can’t believe you didn’t like my sweatpants outfit. I spent all day finding the perfect ensemble.

    Please know that I’m joking.

  2. LK Says:

    I know! I was all excited to wear something cute and dressy but not necessarily business-y! silly people.

    the sweatpants thing was just… awful. hot pink velour. black heels (ugly ones at that). pink silk blouse. And something over it that I dont full remember but may actually have been a blazer. If not, it was a dressy-ish cardigan. I can’t believe that someone who obviously knows who Tim is would actually leave the house looking like this.

  3. Tina Says:

    haha! Jury duty is the worst. I can’t believe that most of those people come from work. I dressed down that day, due to the jury duty, but at least I didn’t smell and my clothes were semi-nice.

    Tim Gunn is a god. I’m surprised he didn’t smite her.

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